RANA By-Laws

Whereas the need exists for cohesive action on the part of Indo Canadian people of Rajasthani origin residing in Canada, it is determined that a not for profit organization be formed to preserve and propagate the Rajasthani cultural heritage and enhance the identity of Rajasthani people and to provide a forum for propagating Rajasthani literature & language, also for cultural, educational, social interaction among its members, and to seek a presence for Rajasthani people within various Indo Canadian Organization and all main stream Canadian organizations.

This organization will serve the needs of integration of new immigrants of Rajasthani origin into main stream Canadian society.

Article 1: NAME

The name of the association shall be "RAJASTHAN ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA (CANADA)”, hereinafter called “RANA“.


As a permanent arrangement P.O. Box in central location should be rented till then office or residential address of the President can be used for this purpose.


  • Promote, preserve, enhance, perpetuate and enrich the cultural heritage of people of Rajasthan origin in Canada.
    • Establish association with similar cultural organizations in and cooperate with ethnic and multicultural groups in cultural and social activities in Canada.
    • Promote Rajasthani languages classes among children and adults of community and anyone interested.
    • Organize, promote & sponsor Rajasthan cultural, educational, recreational, musical, and literary and sports events, festivals, pageants and conventions to promote the objectives of RANA.
    • Organize cultural, recreational and musical events to promote young talent

in the community and bring awareness among young generation about the rich Rajasthani cultural heritage.

  • Raise, solicit, participate to collect, and disburse funds for charities. Collect donations for cultural, educational and charitable purposes either directly or in cooperation with other Indo Canadian organizations in Canada.
  • Provide information, guidance, support and assistance to new immigrants and needy families of Rajasthani origin, wherever necessary. To provide, mentoring services for youth.
  • Maintain and promote the website of RANA in accordance with the association's objectives.


A person of origin from Rajasthan aged 18 or older residing in Canada, subscribing to the objectives of RANA, willing to abide by the Constitution and By- Laws, may become a member of the association upon payment of prescribed fee.


A person aged 18 years or older shall be eligible to become a Single Member of RANA by submitting an application in the prescribed form with appropriate fees.

The annual SINGLE MEMBERSHIP fee shall be ($35.00) or as determined by the General Body. A SINGLE MEMBER shall enjoy all basic privileges of RANA membership, including the right to contest for Board of Directors and vote in RANA elections… per clause 5.2.


A person or a family shall be eligible to become a member of RANA by submitting an application in prescribed form with appropriate fees as determined by the general body.

FAMILY MEMBERSHIP consists of member, spouse, and children (under the age of

25 and unmarried and living together), and dependant parents living at the same address, as the member.

The annual FAMILY MEMBERSHIP fee shall be $70.00 or as determined by the General body. FAMILY MEMBERS shall enjoy all basic privileges of RANA membership including the right to contest for Board of Directors and vote in RANA elections...per clause 5.2.


A person or a family shall be eligible to become a LIFE MEMBER of RANA by submitting an application in prescribed form with appropriate fees. The life membership fee shall be $500.00 or as decided by the general body. Life membership consists of member, spouse and children (under the age of 25 years, unmarried and living together) and dependant parents living at the same address for entire life.

Life members shall have all basic privileges of RANA membership, including the right to contest for Board of Directors and vote in RANA elections…per clause 5.


A person aged 18 years or older shall be eligible to become an Honorary Member of RANA by submitting an application in the prescribed form without any fees.

An HONORARY MEMBER shall enjoy all basic privileges of RANA membership, excluding the right to contest and vote in RANA elections.


A person aged 18 years or older shall be eligible to become an Associated Member of RANA by submitting an application in the prescribed form with a fee $ 50 per year. The condition of Rajasthani origin will not apply for eligibility to be associated member.

An Associated Member shall enjoy all basic privileges of RANA membership, excluding the right to contest and vote in RANA elections, meetings (e.g. AGM, SGM etc)

4.2 A member shall remain in good standing provided that the member is not more than 90 days in arrears of the membership fee.


A membership term for all members begins and ends on Jan.1st and Dec.31st respectively for each calendar year. Membership is considered active, when membership fee is paid on or before March 31st in that particular year. Life members shall be member of RANA for their entire lifetime.


  • A member in good standing is entitled to take part in the activities of the Association including elections.
  • A Single Member will have 1 (one) vote only. The Family Members and Life Members will have 2 votes, The Member and his/her spouse or primary members mentioned on membership form will be considered eligible members to vote and to contest elections.
  • A member in good standing, for at least two consecutive years, is entitled to contest the elections to the Board of Directors, provided that person is proposed and seconded by another member in good standing.
  • A life member is eligible to contest the elections to the Board of Directors, provided that person is proposed and seconded by another member in good standing.
  • A member shall be entitled to receive the Minutes of the previous general body meeting together with the yearly financial statements 21 days prior to the Annual general body meeting.
  • The members nominated as Patrons will not be entitled to contest elections, but they will be entitled to all other rights as members.


RANA shall be made up of a General Body and Board of Directors.


Basic Constitutional Structure.




(9 elected + 4 nominated= total 13 directors)

  • Directors to be elected by General Body, 4 Directors to be nominated by President and Immediate Past President will be ex officio Director.


(By invitation only)


(President to be elected by Board of Directors, only elected directors to vote) VICE PRESIDENTS

(Number of Vice Presidents to be decided & to be appointed by President).


(All committees to be chaired by either a VP or Director, all other members have to be paid members. A non member can be co-opted as an ADVISOR; the committees will be constituted by president in consultation with the chair)

NOTE: Present position of Secretary will be designated as VP (Corporate Secretary & Administration); Treasurer will be designated as VP (Finance). Other Vice Presidents will be designated as per activity of the committee which they will chair.


All members, Single, Family and Life constitute the general body. General body shall determine the basic philosophy and policies of the RANA.


The Board of Directors shall consist of 13 Directors, 9 elected by the general body, 4 nominated by president annually.

The Board of Directors shall provide the leadership; execute the policies and objectives of RANA, on day to day basis.


The President shall appoint Patrons from the senior distinguished life members. The Patrons will act as guide, friend and philosopher to President and Board of Directors. They will be guiding force behind all activities of RANA.


The RANA executives shall appoint distinguished persons (including non members) of Rajasthani origin as Honorary Patron .Such an appointment will be with sole purpose of conferring honor.


  • 7.1 General body meeting shall be held annually within GTA. The Board of Directors shall recommend the agenda for this meeting and President will preside over the meeting. The meeting shall be a forum for a dialogue between the members and the board of directors so that prudent policy decisions can be made.
  • 7.2 The Vice President (Finance) shall present yearly financial statements for member's approval.

The Vice President (Corporate Secretariat & Administration) shall present a report on the past year's activities.

  • 7.3 The President will chair the AGM.
  • 7.4.1 Elections for BOARD of DIRECTORS will be held every year.
  • 7.4.2 Returning officer /Election officer will be appointed by Board of Directors.
  • 7.4.3 The Financial Year will be from JANUARY 1ST TO DECEMBER 31ST OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR.
  • 7.5 The quorum for the general body meetings shall be minimum 20% of the current membership or 60 members whichever is less, present.
  • 7.6 The Annual General Meeting shall be conducted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS with the objective of conducting elections and approval of financial statements. Any other related matters related to the RANA shall also be discussed and approved.
  • 7.7 A simple majority of the members present at a general body meeting may approve accounts and decide upon proposals put forward for its consideration.
  • 7.8 If a request for a special general body meeting is made in writing by at least 1/3 of the current membership or 60 members whichever is less to discuss specific subject, the President will convene such a meeting within eight weeks from the date of receipt of such a request. Special meeting shall be limited to the topics mentioned in the written request.
  • 7.9 If a general body meeting cannot be held due to lack of a quorum, failing of quorum at that point will automatically generate a postponed meeting 30 minutes thereafter and waive the condition of quorum as an extra-ordinary situation.
  • 7.10 The Accountant shall be appointed by general body for 3 year term, to compile the annual financial statement under Notice to Reader report.


  • 8.1 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall carry out the activities of RANA in accordance with Article 3.
  • 8.2 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall report its actions to the general body for information or ratification as applicable.
  • 8.3 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall hold meetings as often as required or at least once in 2 months to decide on day-to-day affairs of the association.
  • 8.4 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS quorum shall be 5, out of which 2 shall be office bearers.
  • 8.5 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall reach decisions on a simple majority of members present at the respective meetings.
  • 8.6 Prior to organizing any event, an estimate of expenses shall also be approved for the event. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall make an effort to organize the event within the budget. After the event all the receipts and accounts shall be submitted to the VP (Finance).
  • 8.7 Any expense above $1000 shall be approved by The BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
  • 8.8 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS meetings shall be called by the VP (Corporate Secretariat & Administration) at the request of the President or by the written request of any 2/3rd members of the Committee.
  • 8.9 If A DIRECTOR resigns before the end of his/her term, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall have the power to co-opt a member from the general membership for the remainder of the term. The co-opted BOARD OF DIRECTORS member shall have the powers and responsibilities of an elected/nominated BOARD OF DIRECTORS member depending up on the director who resigned was elected or nominated.
  • 8.10 If a DIRECTOR is absent for 3 consecutive Board meetings or 2 events consecutively without notice and valid reason, and if a DIRECTOR is responsible for non-performance or activities harmful to the association, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS is empowered to remove that person from office by 2/3rd of the members, agreeing to the decision after giving that elected member 15 days notice of the proposed action and opportunity to explain.
  • 8.11 President, VP (Finance), VP (Corporate Secretary & Administration) are authorized to sign checks and other important documents with two signatures being mandatory for each transaction over $ 2500.00
  • 8.12 The BOARD OF DIRECTORS is responsible to collect annual membership for single and family member in a timely manner.
  • 8.13 At the discretion of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, various committees will be formed to carry out activities of RANA. The VP/DIRECTOR responsible for that activity will be the Chair of the committee. The other members will be from General Body from members in good standing.
  • 8.14 At the discretion of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, various committees will be formed to carry out activities of RANA. The VP/DIRECTOR responsible for that activity will be the Chair of the committee. The other members will be from General Body from members in good standing.



  • 9.1.1 Elections shall be held every 2 (two) year for vacant positions of 9 elected directors.
  • 9.1.2 Nominations have to be sent for vacant positions in the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and should reach Election Officer within the due date specified (see Article 9.4).



A single, and family member, in good standing, for at least 2 full years. The Member and his/her spouse or person designated as primary member on membership form, over the age of 18, residing in Canada, with a paid up membership before March 31st of that year and life members are entitled to stand for election for any one position of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.


President will be elected by elected directors.



Member once elected president will not be entitled for re election as director. President will have two, 1 year terms only as president.


Member elected vice president will be entitled for re election. However they will have two, 2 years consecutive terms only.


Member elected director will be entitled for re election on expire of each 2 year term. However they will have two, 2 years consecutive terms only.


Members nominated by President as Director will have one year term only.

9.3  VOTERS:

Single, Family & Life members of RANA with a paid up subscription before March 31st, and whose names are there as spouse, designated member or primary members on the membership form, are eligible to nominate a candidate, as well as cast vote for all positions for which elections are conducted.


  • The BOARD OF DIRECTORS will appoint a Returning Officer / Election Officer (EO) from the preferably from past presidents, patrons to conduct the elections. Election Officer will choose 2 other members to form a 3 member Election Committee to conduct the elections. The Election Committee will be responsible for the following functions.
  • Election Committee shall call for nominations for all vacancies of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, from the eligible members of RANA, on a notice of at least 3 weeks. Election Committee will allow 7 days time for withdrawals of nominations. Right after that, the final list of candidates will be announced for elections to be held at the AGM.

In the AGM, if no more than one member is proposed for any office, the Election Committee shall announce that member elected unopposed to that office. A nomination will be entertained on the floor only if there is no nomination received by the due date for any specific position.

The Election Committee will distribute the ballot papers to all eligible voters at the meeting and conduct secret balloting and declare the winners after counting.

The election committee can decide to have electronic/online voting.

  • PATRONS & Members of BOARD of DIRECTORS, who are not candidates in the election, shall assist the Election Committee, if needed.
  • The BOARD OF DIRECTORS is responsible to maintain accurate records of paid membership, for publishing eligible voters list and eligible candidates list, three weeks in advance to the elections. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall also provide all the necessary documents, such as nomination forms etc, pertaining to the election process to the Election Officer for carrying out his/her responsibility.

Article 10: FUNDS/ASSETS

A portion of the life membership fee shall be set aside as a reserve fund. The balance amount of fee is to be used for activities of RANA.

No part of the net earnings of RANA shall be distributed to its members, officers or any other private persons.

If the Association is dissolved the general body should decide on the process of Disbursement of available funds


The bylaws of this constitution can be amended at a general body meeting by 2/3 majority of members present and the proposed amendment shall be circulated at least 3 weeks prior to such meeting.


In accordance with aims and objectives of RANA it is imperative for A Member and officers including Directors, to respect fellow members and maintain professional behavior at all times & in all kinds of communications. On violation of the Code of Conduct shall be entitled the Member to be terminated from the Association with no re course and no repayment of any fee or severance whatsoever be.

The discipline committee appointed by the Board of Directors shall have jurisdiction and discretion to decide on such action.

12.1 Code of Ethics for Members

Rajasthan Association of North America  Member’s Code of Ethics”

I, the undersigned, have consented to act as a Member of Rajasthan Association of North America (Canada), here after referred as RANA (Canada), and I agree to comply fully with the Member’s Code of Ethics throughout my term(s) as a Member.

Neutrality, Honesty and Good faith: I will act honestly and in good faith. I will not promote my own interest or those of my family member and friends. I will act only in the best of Association.

Care, Diligence and Skill: I will exercise the care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person in comparable circumstances. I will make a sincere and honest effort to attend all Board Meetings. I will act responsibly and with due diligence to become familiar with the affairs of the Association and to uphold aims of Association.

Conflict of Interest: I am not currently aware of any actual or potential conflict of interest. If I become aware of any conflict, I will immediately disclose the nature and extent of interest to the Board in writing. I will not, under any circumstances, promote my own interest to the detriment of the Association.

 Confidentiality: I covenant and agree not to discuss with or disclose to any person any information by me in my capacity as a Member that relates to affairs of the Association. Any confidential or privilege information, or information which reasonable ought to be deemed confidential, will be held in strictest confidence.

Good Conduct: At all times, I will conduct myself in a professional and businesslike manner at meetings of Board of Members, I will approach all Board issues with an open mind, preparing to make best decisions on behalf of the Association and ensure my standard of care and the provisions of this document are exercised in each instance. I will act ethically with integrity and in accordance with legal criteria, I will comply with rules of good conduct and deal with others in respectful manner and act in a civil manner at all times. I will comply with the principles of good governance and procedurals rules of order and covenant to not be a disruptive force on the board.

Support: I will abide by the decisions of the majority of the Members even though I may disagree. Any views contrary to a decision of the majority of board members will be kept to myself. I will express my views only to the other board members during to the course of a board meeting. I acknowledge the decisions are to be made democratically and I will provide ongoing support for the partnership between the Board of Members.

Preparedness: I will prepare for each Board meeting by reading all relevant material prior to the meeting and be prepared to discuss and if necessary vote upon all issues that my come before the meeting. I will provide advance notice any issue, which I may wish to have included on the agenda for the discussion.

Defamation: I will not make any erroneous or defamatory statements about the Association, or its Members and Officers.

Criminal offences: I understand that, in order to be qualified to act as a Member of the Association, I could not have been convicted of a criminal offence on Canada or any other jurisdiction within the past ten years. By executing this Member’s Code of Ethics, I hereby confirm and the Association may rely on same that, I am not in contravention of this qualification provision. I also understand that the board by resolution, if it deemed necessary, may request a criminal reference check in this regard and I further agree to comply with such a request, if made.

Acknowledgment & Direction: I, the undersigned, understand that, that in addition to satisfying my standard of good conduct as a Member I must always act in the best interest of the Association. In this regard, I acknowledge that the provisions within this Member’s Code of Ethics form an important and integral part of establishing the care and responsibility that I as a Member of the Association am entrusted fulfill. Accordingly , if it is determined that I have violated provisions of code of ethics on two (2).occasions over the course of my term, then I understand that I will cease being qualified to be a Member of the Association and accordingly forth with tender my resignation , failing which it shall be deemed to have been given. I understand that this requirement is applicable to all Members of Association and hereby agree to same.

12.2 Code of Ethics for Directors

Rajasthan Association of North America  
Director’s Code of Ethics”

I, the undersigned, have consented to act as a director of Rajasthan Association of North America (Canada), here after referred as RANA (Canada), and I agree to comply fully with the Director’s Code of Ethics throughout my term(s) as a Director.

Neutrality, Honesty and Good faith: I will act honestly and in good faith. I will not promote my own interest or those of my family member and friends. I will act only in the best of Association.

Care, Diligence and Skill: I will exercise the care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person in comparable circumstances. I will make a sincere and honest effort to attend all Board Meetings. I will act responsibly and with due diligence to become familiar with the affairs of the Association and to uphold aims of Association.

Conflict of Interest: I am not currently aware of any actual or potential conflict of interest. If I become aware of any conflict, I will immediately disclose the nature and extent of interest to the Board in writing. I will not, under any circumstances, promote my own interest to the detriment of the Association.

 Confidentiality: I covenant and agree not to discuss with or disclose to any person any information by me in my capacity as a director that relates to affairs of the Association. Any confidential or privilege information, or information which reasonable ought to be deemed confidential, will be held in strictest confidence.

Good Conduct: At all times, I will conduct myself in a professional and businesslike manner at meetings of Board of Directors, I will approach all Board issues with an open mind, preparing to make best decisions on behalf of the Association and ensure my standard of care and the provisions of this document are exercised in each instance. I will act ethically with integrity and in accordance with legal criteria, I will comply with rules of good conduct and deal with others in respectful manner and act in a civil manner at all times. I will comply with the principles of good governance and procedurals rules of order and covenant to not be a disruptive force on the board.

Support: I will abide by the decisions of the majority of the directors even though I may disagree. Any views contrary to a decision of the majority of board members will be kept to myself. I will express my views only to the other board members during to the course of a board meeting. I acknowledge the

decisions are to be made democratically and I will provide ongoing support for the partnership between the Board of Directors.

Preparedness: I will prepare for each Board meeting by reading all relevant material prior to the meeting and be prepared to discuss and if necessary vote upon all issues that my come before the meeting. I will provide advance notice any issue, which I may wish to have included on the agenda for the discussion.

Defamation: I will not make any erroneous or defamatory statements about the Association, or its Directors and Officers.

Criminal offences: I understand that, in order to be qualified to act as a director of the Association, I could not have been convicted of a criminal offence on Canada or any other jurisdiction within the past ten years. By executing this Director’s Code of Ethics, I hereby confirm and the Association may rely on same that, I am not in contravention of this qualification provision. I also understand that the board by resolution, if it deemed necessary, may request a criminal reference check in this regard and I further agree to comply with such a request, if made.

Acknowledgement& Direction: I, the undersigned, understand that, that in addition to satisfying my standard of good conduct as a director I must always act in the best interest of the Association. In this regard, I acknowledge that the provisions within this Director’s Code of Ethics form an important and integral part of establishing the care and responsibility that I as a director of the Association am entrusted fulfill. Accordingly , if it is determined that I have violated provisions of code of ethics on two (2).occasions over the course of my term, then I understand that I will cease being qualified to be a director of the Association and accordingly forth with tender my resignation , failing which it shall be deemed to have been given. I understand that this requirement is applicable to all directors of Association and hereby agree to same.

Dated at:
day of:


Office Bearer of a political party or Person, who has been a candidate from a political party in any election, is NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE A DIRECTOR OF ASSOCIATION. However, such persons can be appointed as Honorary Patron, by Board of Directors.